viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

Music Composition

Hi, today I’m going to talk about my carrier. Since I was a child to my 16 I thought many possible carriers, naval engineer, electric engineer, robotics, philosophy and architecture, but finally I understood that all this possibilities wasn’t related with my real passion, music composition. Was really difficult to take the risk, but when I was 18 It was decided because I stopped to obey the fear of economy and the occidental construction of success.

I think that compose for me is the best way to aboard every day my own internal freedom, in contemporary classical music is no rules to do what you do, you have to decide everything, and dialogue with this freedom is the most exciting thing I’ve live.

I dislike planning ensemble rehearsals, doing final copies of scores and inviting people who finally don’t go to concerts.

After once my pregrade I want to do a magister in composition in Paris Conservatory or Berlin Conservatory. Then do classes in any university, continue composing and sharing music/theatre performances and do free time activities.

I think that the choice of one carrier must depend only to your passion, the sense of life is our creation, so deciding well a carrier is the result of real self-knowledge.
I invite you to our Acusmatic Installation, of Electroacoustic Class of Edgardo Cantón. It’s on November 21 (next Friday) at Sala Isidora Zegers, Facultad de Artes, Alfonso Letelier Llona 1264. Since 10:15am to 13:30pm, FREE ENTRACE, invite your friends…. In this concerto I will present Caminata Lunar, with live dancing solo improvisation. Check the link.



viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

Proud??? egocentric...

Hi bloggers, I’m no confortable talking about being proud of something and I’m going to explain why. A child is the result of a formative procces in witch all the cultural determinations, conductual restrictions, religious divinities, political postures, hapiness preconstructed ideals, values, etc, are absorbed without reflexioning by our hipotetic child.

Then, been proud for me is the sensation obtained by don’t colaborate with the common sense or ideas and activities you autonomously don’t follow. I’m proud of many things, for example: being apart of the political, moral, religious, filosofical and espiritual positions that I get in my infancy by the people I know.  I’m proud of myself too because of been enought brave to study music composition after completing scholl.

I consider that all this discrepances was hard to develop, but I wan’t to continue working in avoiding some else, the egocentrism, the  homocentrism, the heteronomy in general and of course, the most important: stop colaborating the neoliberalist sistem been competitive and egocentric. So, being egocentric is inherent to possibly being proud.

Also, by the moment I’m proud of all the activities and postures that diverge from the heteronomy that surround me. And personally this is the conception of hapinness too. It consist in as free as you can in your mind and materialice your metaphisic dimention in the reality.

viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014

Bertolt Brecht - Brevario de estética teatral.


Hi bloggers, today I’m going to talk about a book I’ve read this year. I have to apologize because I don’t use to read so much. The book is “Brevario de estética teatral” de Bertolt Brecht, it’s a academic book that resume some ideas about stetics created by the autor, divided in less than 100 paragraphs.

I enjoyed learning about her concept of “extrañamiento”, that consists in consider that in the artistical performance, all the objects, process and beings, have a side known by the audience, and other side unknown; In this contrast, he maintain that occurs the esthetic appreciation, the reflexive act and the intuitive-emotional experience. For me that’s interesting, because it’s possible apply it to transdisciplinar art, like music with theater, holding hermeneutic procedures to develop the construction of the artistical discourse that pretend be understood by a massive audience that no require to be erudite in arts. This art is constructed from the beginning to be comprehensible.

Returning to the book. The ideas written by Brecht are categorical, synthetic and reproducible. Obviously that’s the purpose off the book, give the readers a new perspective about how art can be done, giving some strategies and pillars to construct art.

Personally I consider that the book was written with a violent and dogmatic redaction, perhaps could be better to talk about ideas redacting them in a proposal and non-persuasive way, giving the reader the opportunity to enjoy a new idea without been intellectually, politically and ideologically attacked. I say this because I felled it reading the book, but, independently of the redaction, it was one of the best books I’ve read in my life. You can obtain for free at theater faculty of university of Chile.

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014


Hi, today I’m going to talk about my talent. I think that I can cook well, and think logically also, but my special talent is related with music. When I was a child I started to play piano and guitar trying to learn some classical music and metal repertoire, but later I started to create my own compositions without writing them. Then having maybe 16, started to write the music and finally I enter to university of Chile to study composition. I think that composing is useful because you can create discourses about politics, philosophy, society, ideology, esthetics, etc; Having the oblivion of criticize the reality in all the aspects you can aboard. Some people I know thinks that I'm talented and they enjoy my creations, they also consider some of them bizarre but interesting at the same time. I don't believe that talents are a genetic predisposition or a "god's gift"; that's absurd, the talents are the result of hard word to develop a complex and distinctive ability.
I think that develop a talent is indispensable to give sense to live. Finally the value of your live it's on yours experiences, what you do and what you left after dying. Your existence gets relevant when the transformation of the reality you collaborates is close to your will.
This are my last 2 compositions I hope you can listen and watch them.

viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

Leri Lira, chilean musician!

Hi bloggers, I was thinking in showing you Jhon Cage – 4’33’’, Children Of Bodom – Sixpounder, Silvio Rodriguez – La tierra está pariendo un corazón or Luciano Berio – Folk Songs; But, today I’m showing you a song of one friend, he is Leri Lira. This musician started playing alone singing and playing her acoustic guitar, so he created many songs that I like a lot, it’s a unique style, it merges folk, foxtrot, nueva trova, and a infinity of influences. Leri is from Chile, and he obviously sing in Spanish. “El Origen” it’s a calm song, the lyrics are verbose, no linear and metaphoric so you can create the meaning of the discourse. I fell something similar while listening reggae, it’s easy and relaxing. A few years ago he created a band, Santa Matria. Personally I prefer the old Leri solo music, but the band is interesting to. I hope you’ll check this enormous Chilean musician.

LERI LIRA, Check his music in youtube!.

viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

Philosophy class

Hi all, today I will talk about my philosophy teacher at school, I don’t remember his name, maybe it was Rodrigo. My women classmates was attacked to him, they thought that he was cute. I was 18, coursing 4th grade, classes started normally with ancient philosophers like Aristoteles, Platon, Confusio, Descartes, etc. I liked to go and learn about them, and I always asked to the teacher continuously; But, one day he give us a extract of Hegel, and this was the beginning of the end.
The text postulates a reflection about technology v/s society. Hegel says that with the production mechanisms allowed by a advances capitalism system, in the future, humanity action will be determined by the technique. I Obviously disagree because I think that human action could be ever free, because the freedom of creating is intrinsic to the human condition supported by her ability to get abstracted from reality, putting metaphysics first than existence.

In one point this controversial conversation becomes a fight, so close to yell, and he can argument a solid reason to defend hegel's postulation, so I leaved the class in middle of the session. A week later my master teacher prohibit me to assist to this class and I was exempted of this class in the middle of the first semester having a 7.0 by final note. After this, all the weeks I spend this time to play piano.

I think I was a good teacher, the classes was active, and fun almost always, but he loved irrationally Hegel without arguments so it was unacceptable .

viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Family Meat.

Today I will talk you about a curius family meat. My ancestry is from Arabia Saudita. I remember a family meat from 4 years ago more less, it was on the department of my grandfather,  there was all the family of my father, grandparents Myrna and Ismael, uncles Erick, Yasmin, Jocelyn, my cousins Felipe, Erick, Carolina, Paula and his boyfriend, and the boyfriend of Jocelyn, my parents Cristian and Magdalena and my sister Catalina. We all eat talking a lot, and then started the suspicious event. We use to get together frequently. The ex-boyfriend of my uncle works in Ufology, he says that he is an ALIEN!, he tell us a lot of hilarious and intriguing stories and then started a lot of questions from all us. I remember this history because I think that other ways of life obviously can exist, but not necessary in our earth, so was surprising to hear a person who claim be one!. When our family is eating, the conversation is dispersed and divided, but I love that after that sometimes we all talk together about something contingent or relevant. No every family can keep each other continuously and see all frequently, in my mother family we see each other frequently too so I’m grateful about this.