viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

Music Composition

Hi, today I’m going to talk about my carrier. Since I was a child to my 16 I thought many possible carriers, naval engineer, electric engineer, robotics, philosophy and architecture, but finally I understood that all this possibilities wasn’t related with my real passion, music composition. Was really difficult to take the risk, but when I was 18 It was decided because I stopped to obey the fear of economy and the occidental construction of success.

I think that compose for me is the best way to aboard every day my own internal freedom, in contemporary classical music is no rules to do what you do, you have to decide everything, and dialogue with this freedom is the most exciting thing I’ve live.

I dislike planning ensemble rehearsals, doing final copies of scores and inviting people who finally don’t go to concerts.

After once my pregrade I want to do a magister in composition in Paris Conservatory or Berlin Conservatory. Then do classes in any university, continue composing and sharing music/theatre performances and do free time activities.

I think that the choice of one carrier must depend only to your passion, the sense of life is our creation, so deciding well a carrier is the result of real self-knowledge.
I invite you to our Acusmatic Installation, of Electroacoustic Class of Edgardo Cantón. It’s on November 21 (next Friday) at Sala Isidora Zegers, Facultad de Artes, Alfonso Letelier Llona 1264. Since 10:15am to 13:30pm, FREE ENTRACE, invite your friends…. In this concerto I will present Caminata Lunar, with live dancing solo improvisation. Check the link.



2 comentarios:

  1. It's great that you've followed you passion! You're going to be really happy doing what you really love c:

  2. So you decided to follow your dream. Well done! I wish you luck with the magister. You're going to have so much fun :)
