viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

Proud??? egocentric...

Hi bloggers, I’m no confortable talking about being proud of something and I’m going to explain why. A child is the result of a formative procces in witch all the cultural determinations, conductual restrictions, religious divinities, political postures, hapiness preconstructed ideals, values, etc, are absorbed without reflexioning by our hipotetic child.

Then, been proud for me is the sensation obtained by don’t colaborate with the common sense or ideas and activities you autonomously don’t follow. I’m proud of many things, for example: being apart of the political, moral, religious, filosofical and espiritual positions that I get in my infancy by the people I know.  I’m proud of myself too because of been enought brave to study music composition after completing scholl.

I consider that all this discrepances was hard to develop, but I wan’t to continue working in avoiding some else, the egocentrism, the  homocentrism, the heteronomy in general and of course, the most important: stop colaborating the neoliberalist sistem been competitive and egocentric. So, being egocentric is inherent to possibly being proud.

Also, by the moment I’m proud of all the activities and postures that diverge from the heteronomy that surround me. And personally this is the conception of hapinness too. It consist in as free as you can in your mind and materialice your metaphisic dimention in the reality.

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