viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014

Bertolt Brecht - Brevario de estética teatral.


Hi bloggers, today I’m going to talk about a book I’ve read this year. I have to apologize because I don’t use to read so much. The book is “Brevario de estética teatral” de Bertolt Brecht, it’s a academic book that resume some ideas about stetics created by the autor, divided in less than 100 paragraphs.

I enjoyed learning about her concept of “extrañamiento”, that consists in consider that in the artistical performance, all the objects, process and beings, have a side known by the audience, and other side unknown; In this contrast, he maintain that occurs the esthetic appreciation, the reflexive act and the intuitive-emotional experience. For me that’s interesting, because it’s possible apply it to transdisciplinar art, like music with theater, holding hermeneutic procedures to develop the construction of the artistical discourse that pretend be understood by a massive audience that no require to be erudite in arts. This art is constructed from the beginning to be comprehensible.

Returning to the book. The ideas written by Brecht are categorical, synthetic and reproducible. Obviously that’s the purpose off the book, give the readers a new perspective about how art can be done, giving some strategies and pillars to construct art.

Personally I consider that the book was written with a violent and dogmatic redaction, perhaps could be better to talk about ideas redacting them in a proposal and non-persuasive way, giving the reader the opportunity to enjoy a new idea without been intellectually, politically and ideologically attacked. I say this because I felled it reading the book, but, independently of the redaction, it was one of the best books I’ve read in my life. You can obtain for free at theater faculty of university of Chile.

2 comentarios:

  1. I also believe that academic books should stay away from dogmatism and the use of difficult words

  2. Is weird for me to read about how to create art because I think it's something intrinsic. I can't understand it in a 100%. However, if it helps you in the process I think it's nice
