viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014


Hi, today I’m going to talk about my talent. I think that I can cook well, and think logically also, but my special talent is related with music. When I was a child I started to play piano and guitar trying to learn some classical music and metal repertoire, but later I started to create my own compositions without writing them. Then having maybe 16, started to write the music and finally I enter to university of Chile to study composition. I think that composing is useful because you can create discourses about politics, philosophy, society, ideology, esthetics, etc; Having the oblivion of criticize the reality in all the aspects you can aboard. Some people I know thinks that I'm talented and they enjoy my creations, they also consider some of them bizarre but interesting at the same time. I don't believe that talents are a genetic predisposition or a "god's gift"; that's absurd, the talents are the result of hard word to develop a complex and distinctive ability.
I think that develop a talent is indispensable to give sense to live. Finally the value of your live it's on yours experiences, what you do and what you left after dying. Your existence gets relevant when the transformation of the reality you collaborates is close to your will.
This are my last 2 compositions I hope you can listen and watch them.

3 comentarios:

  1. Pérsonally, I consider that your are talented. I am not talented creating music, I prefer listening to music.

  2. I'm jealous! I love classical music and I would love to be a musician :P
    I enjoyed listening to your music and I totally agree with your final comment.

  3. Very interesting:)
    Here's some of my stuff:)
