viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

Short reflection about expressive fallibility of discourses in contemporary art.

 Bertolt Brecht

Hi all, today I'm doing a reflection about expressive fallibility of discourses in contemporary art.
In all arts we can analyze dimensions of the discourse, each one need that who interact with the art know previously the codes that is being used. And we can extract from the art creation, a political position independent in some cases of the creator intensions.

I think that the academy obstruct the content of art, trying to justify the creation for her technical value, and focusing all the teaching in this technique without reflecting about the philosophical, politic, semantic, spiritual and creative aspect that design.

¿Can we use the technique to develop artistic discourses coherent with our way of thinking non artistically?. In my opinion, it's possible, but we have to use codes that are previously learned by the audience; Theatrical procedures, body gestures, vocal onomatopoeic and (elementos musemanticos) can be used merged in one organic discourse making disappear the limits that separate one discipline from the other.

¿Why? because if we assume the art is a communication act, then we are obligated to consider that is essential talk about a concrete topic. Then according to this topic, the audience obviously can create her own conclusions, so this freedom bring value to the art ritual.

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