viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

Leri Lira, chilean musician!

Hi bloggers, I was thinking in showing you Jhon Cage – 4’33’’, Children Of Bodom – Sixpounder, Silvio Rodriguez – La tierra está pariendo un corazón or Luciano Berio – Folk Songs; But, today I’m showing you a song of one friend, he is Leri Lira. This musician started playing alone singing and playing her acoustic guitar, so he created many songs that I like a lot, it’s a unique style, it merges folk, foxtrot, nueva trova, and a infinity of influences. Leri is from Chile, and he obviously sing in Spanish. “El Origen” it’s a calm song, the lyrics are verbose, no linear and metaphoric so you can create the meaning of the discourse. I fell something similar while listening reggae, it’s easy and relaxing. A few years ago he created a band, Santa Matria. Personally I prefer the old Leri solo music, but the band is interesting to. I hope you’ll check this enormous Chilean musician.

LERI LIRA, Check his music in youtube!.

viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

Philosophy class

Hi all, today I will talk about my philosophy teacher at school, I don’t remember his name, maybe it was Rodrigo. My women classmates was attacked to him, they thought that he was cute. I was 18, coursing 4th grade, classes started normally with ancient philosophers like Aristoteles, Platon, Confusio, Descartes, etc. I liked to go and learn about them, and I always asked to the teacher continuously; But, one day he give us a extract of Hegel, and this was the beginning of the end.
The text postulates a reflection about technology v/s society. Hegel says that with the production mechanisms allowed by a advances capitalism system, in the future, humanity action will be determined by the technique. I Obviously disagree because I think that human action could be ever free, because the freedom of creating is intrinsic to the human condition supported by her ability to get abstracted from reality, putting metaphysics first than existence.

In one point this controversial conversation becomes a fight, so close to yell, and he can argument a solid reason to defend hegel's postulation, so I leaved the class in middle of the session. A week later my master teacher prohibit me to assist to this class and I was exempted of this class in the middle of the first semester having a 7.0 by final note. After this, all the weeks I spend this time to play piano.

I think I was a good teacher, the classes was active, and fun almost always, but he loved irrationally Hegel without arguments so it was unacceptable .